We don’t provide any translation facility, but the user can use English to Gujarati, Gujarati to English, Gujarati to Gujarati and Hindi to Gujarati Dictionary and other facilities for translation.

You can refer Gujaratilexicon and enrich your language knowledge and use it in manual translations.

Gujaratilexicon team can be contacted via email (info@gujaratilexicon.com), via phone (079-48909755, +91 6353414963), via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google +, Blog etc.

We will answer your query in 24 hours!

You can spread a word about Gujaratilexicon among your friends and relatives and join our crusade.

We give Gujaratilexicon demo at school, colleges, institutes etc. If you wish to arrange demo in your school/college or institute let us know. We will be there at your doorstep.

The user first needs to download a resource from the site. Once the download process completed you will get an exe file. Open exe file and complete the installation process.

Gujaratilexicon resources are available for Windows and Mac. Total size of resource is 161 MB. Resources are available at free of cost to download. To download the resources go to the download page/section of Gujaratilexicon website

Installation help (English/Gujarati) is also given on the page. You can also download spellchecker and font from the same page

If you face any difficulties for downloading the resource, Please email us your query on :

Gujaratilexicon Resources are divided into Dictionary, Opposites, Idioms, Proverbs, Pharase and Thesuaurs section.

Dictionary :

The Dictionary section is divided into 5 different sections. Choose the section, enter your word and click on the search icon.

A. English to Gujarati Dictionary:

Enter English word into the text box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type, Pronunciation and Gujarati Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the English to Gujarati Dictionary.

B. Gujarati to English Dictionary :

Enter Gujarati word into the text box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type and English Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the Gujarati to English Dictionary.

C. Gujarati to Gujarati Dictionary:

Enter Gujarati word into the text box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type and Meaning for all the matches found into the Gujarati to Gujarati Dictionary.

To know more about abbreviations used in Gujarati-Gujarati dictionary, you can refer below Sankshepo Ni Samaj :

Sankshepo Ni Samaj

You can also refer Sarth Jodani Niyamo

D. Hindi to Gujarati Dictionary:

Enter Hindi word into the text box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type, Vyuatpatti and Gujarati Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the Hindi to Gujarati Dictionary.

E. Marathi to Gujarati Dictionary :

Enter Marathi word into the text box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type, Vyuatpatti and Gujarati Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the Marathi to Gujarati Dictionary.

Video :

Opposites :

Enter the Gujarati word into the text box and click on the ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word, Type, Meaning, Opposite Word, Type of Opposite Word and Meaning of Opposite Word for all the matches found into the Opposites.

Video :

Thesaurus :

Enter a word into the text box and click the Search button.

Search will return Head Word, Concept and Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the Thesaurus.

Thesaurus section video

Idioms :

Enter Gujarati word into the text box and click Search button.

Search will return Word, Type and Meaning of the word for all the matches found into the Idioms.

Take a tour of Idioms section

Proverbs :

Proverb section is divided into 3 types of proverbs. Proverbs are also known as ‘Sayings’ or ‘Kehavato’

A. English to Gujarati Proverb :

Search will return Proverb and Meaning for all the matches found into the English to Gujarati Proverb.

B. Gujarati to English Proverb :

Enter Gujarati proverb into the search box and click Search button.

Search will return Proverb and Meaning for all the matches found into the Gujarati to English Proverb.

C. Gujarati to Gujarati Proverb :

Search will return Proverb and Meaning for all the matches found into the Gujarati to Gujarati Proverb.

Proverbs Section of Gujaratilexicon video

Phrases :

Phrase is known as ‘Shabda Samooh Mate Ek Shanda’ in Gujarati.

To search for Phrase, Enter Gujarati word into the search box and click on ‘Search’ button.

Search will return Word and Meaning of Phrase for all the matches found into the Phrases.


Let’s explore video tour of Gujaratilexicon.com.

Video :

These videos will explain to you how you can use the Gujaratilexicon.com site, Search Options and more! Don’t forget to take a look at other questions for more videos.

Gujaratilexicon project is the result of undying passion and relentless vision of Amar Shri Ratilal P. Chandaria, who spent more than 25 years on this project. Gujaratilexicon is a language resource which contains different dictionaries like English to Gujarati, Gujarati to English, Gujarati to Gujarati (including Sarth, Bruhad, Bhagwadogmandal), Hindi to Gujarati Dictionary, Opposites, Idioms, Proverbs, Phrases, Thesaurus, Games, Literature, Spell checker etc. You can download the entire resource for Windows and Mac at free of cost. (Size- 161 MB). The resource is also helpful to you for translation service.

Gujaratilexicon has undertaken several projects like Lokkosh, Digital Bhagwadgomandal, Global Gujaratilexicon, Crossword, Various Gujarati Games, Mobile Application, etc.

Lokkosh is a people driven project, Bhagwadgomandal is an encyclopedia of Gujarati language, Global contains Gujarati to Japanese, Gujarati to Chinese and Gujarati to French database.

Gujaratilexicon website contains various Gujarati blogs. Users can explore blogs of Gujarati Langauge, Literature and Biography, Motivational, Spiritual and Religious, Health and Fitness, Trending, Sports, Event across Gujarat, Others etc.

Please refer below video help to know more about the Blog section.

Gujaratilexicon is introducing various eBooks on its portal. The purpose of this project is to create a platform  to read classic Gujarati Books. User can read the book without downloading it. You can start again from where you left before.

eBook categories available on Gujaratilexicon are : Sunday eMahefil, Gazal-Kavya, Rationalism, Literary Collections, Ayurveda, Humor, Magazines, Short Stories, Religious and other.

User an read the book on site and also can download the book.

Explore below our video help to get an idea about this section.

Gujaratilexicon has started a new section of book summaries. Here we have provided book summaries of novels, biography, travelogue, short stories, poems etc. This book summaries are in imaginative text formats which will assist the people to decide to buy or download the book.

Content will be free from opinion and comprehensive enough to enable the subscribers make an informed decision.

We have enveloped a pool of contributors to provide us with the book summaries

User can search the summaries in 3 formats. By Book Title, By Author Name, and By Contributors name. User needs to enter their query in Gujarati, Gujaratikeyboard is also provided. Few book summaries are also available in audio format.

Refer below video help to get the insight of the section.

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ચાની ચૂસકીની લિજ્જત વધારતી આડી ઊભી ચાવીની લોકપ્રિય અને રસપ્રદ રમત એટલે ક્રોસવર્ડ. અહીં તમે તરત જ જવાબ સાચો છે કે ખોટો તે જાણી શકાશે.

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